When the total cycle pump gear shift operation, the flow of the slip road ratio unchanged. 当总循环泵变速运行时,各个支路的流量分配比例保持不变。
Effect of Yogurt with Different Storage Periods on the Immune System in Mice; An example of an uninterrupted filling operation cycle is one shift's production using the same personnel, equipment, and batch of bulk gas. 连续灌喂不同储存期酸奶对小鼠免疫功能的影响例如一个连续灌装期是由相同人员、同的设备在一个班中生产的同一批半成品。
If we could adequately model each phase of the cycle separately and divine the signals that tell us when the shift in regimes is about to occur, risk management systems would be improved significantly. 如果我们能够为周期的各个阶段分别建立适当的模型,并且预测出昭示系统内转折点何时出现的信号,那么风险管理体系将得到明显地改善。
Very cold summers, relayed in the past, in ancient reports of what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. 夏天非常寒冷,过去中国古代的记录称之为一个世界的循环期,意味着另一次极移来临了,夏天会下雪。
In this case is to call a function in the implementation of intrins. h cycle shift. 本例中是调用的intrins.h中的函数实现的循环移位。
In order to avoid shift cycle in the process of fuzzy control for automatic transmission shift, a new fuzzy control strategy was designed. 针对自动变速器模糊控制换挡过程中的换挡循环问题,设计了一种新的模糊控制策略。
This technique tolerates duty? cycle and phase? shift variations, and offers hardware modularity. 这种技术能承受工作周期和相移的变化,并带来硬件模块化的好处。
An example of an uninterrupted filling operation cycle is one shift's production using the same personnel, equipment, and batch of bulk gas. 例如一个连续灌装期是由相同人员、同的设备在一个班中生产的同一批半成品。
A repetition narration embodies profound repetitive experience, while cycle narration represents an inclination to the shift of one's feeling or dissolution and stagnation of one's life consciousness. 重复叙事包含着深刻的重复性经验,循环叙事体现的是移情倾向或生命意识的消解、停滞。
The mechanism of CO 2 oxidation is also discussed. It can be concluded that the remarkable promoting effect of CO 2 on the dehydrogenation of EB is due to both redox cycle of oxide catalyst and coupling of EB with reversed water gas shift reaction. CO2对乙苯脱氢的显著促进作用要归因于金属氧化物催化剂的氧化还原机制以及乙苯脱氢和逆水煤气变换反应耦合的协同作用。
Cell apoptosis, cell cycle shift and expression of myeloid-specific differentiation antigen ( CD11b, CD13) were analyzed by flow cytometry ( FCM). 流式细胞术分析细胞凋亡、细胞周期变化和髓系分化抗原CD11b、CD13的表达情况;
In the future, China's economic cycle will shift to the intermediate cycle, and global economic cycle will have greater influence on that of China. 未来我国经济周期将向中周期过渡,世界经济周期对我国周期的影响将进一步增强。
Results show that the low-frequency cycle of the zonal wind dipole is accompanied by the east-west shift of the eastern Asian westerly jet core and low-frequency meridional circulation at the jet entrance is important to the oscillation in zonal wind. 发现纬向风偶极子的低频循环伴随着东亚西风急流中心的东西摆动,在急流入口区的低频经圈环流对于纬向风振荡有重要作用。
This paper presents a new_type linear recurring sequence model over F_4 by adding cycle shift operator to linear recurring sequence over F_4. We first transform study of the model into research on linear recurring sequence over a module. 文章给出了F4上的一种新型线性递归序列模型,即把循环移位算子添加到F4上的线性递归序列上。
In this way, we design the two-level controller. For non-minimum phase characteristic about the Boost circuit, we design a double-loop controller based on feedback linearization theory. Then we discuss the characteristic about soft switch and duty cycle loss of the phase shift full bridge circuit. 针对Boost电路的非最小相位特性,通过反馈线性化等理论设计了符合PFC控制的双环控制器,随后对移相全桥DC/DC电路的软开关特性、占空比丢失等电路特性进行了分析。
This article suggests that the future city planning will be set up with a guid of sustainable development. The guid emphasizes that "cycle" and "low-carbon" are main in comprehensive system, finally leads the social and economic development mode shift. 本文认为,未来的城市规划必将建立强调以循环、低碳为主的多系统综合协同运作的可持续发展导向机制,最终引导社会经济发展模式的全面转变。
We detected the change of cell growth, and cell cycle associated with the shape shift, but the mechanism behind these changes remained unclear. 检测了该现象所伴随的细胞生长代谢及细胞周期分布的变化,但其具体机理仍有待进一步阐明。
According to the insufficient of common interleavers, this paper puts forward an improved design method of block interleaver which is based on random cycle shift interweave matrix ranks, and carrys out the performance of improved block interleaver in simulation. 针对常用交织器的不足,提出一种基于交织矩阵行列循环移位的改进型分组交织器的设计方法,并对改进型分组交织器进行了性能仿真。
Second, fringe cycle broadening on the reference surface is not considered in the traditional phase shift method. The fringe phase shift on the projection surface is probably the same as that on the reference surface. 第二,传统的相移法,没有考虑参考平面上的光栅周期展宽问题,认为投影平面的光栅移动的相位和参考平面相位一致。